since the last internal election within the party in 2008, it is clear that the only representation of the "laguismo" Ricardo Lagos has is his name. While not trying to be a critical figure in Lagos W., militancy should consider certain questions before setting their vote on the verge of the fight of the early majority.
This first majority in 2010 elections almost certainly have a name, Guido Girardi, I must admit that I like and I attract their proposals, but sector led by him, effectively creates party networks, called the membership at each point in the country and not to much complacency admit, is asserting its status a Senator as such. Possession of a vision that, despite trying to have their own candidates strongly questioned by the last internal management fails to recognize and anticipate such losses without reaching consequences, but can reach consensus through such powerful figures to come from PPD as the name of Tohá Carolina.
So who can relate and share ideological overtones as they should build a party for citizenship, such as the list of Tohá Carolina , is encounter questions of how a senator who does not believe in party building and increasingly removed from the internal networks of their own party, may actually represent the true spirit by which Ricardo Lagos father had for the institutions themselves. We might ask, "Where were Lagos Weber in these two years?," Their internal networks were strengthened or created the levels of participation and growth within the community? Or do we wait for a new election in order to approach the base of leaders and communal as well as regional?
questions are simple to make, but no longer complicate the defense who does not think the parties are the drivers of citizen demands, especially at a time when we are opposing. There are a discredited political class, is evident within the public and further increases in the youth segment, but using good media figures installed could succeed in creating new forms of participation
We remember the last Senate campaign
Clearly the work that takes this new directive is huge, where different sectors which unfortunately have long wanted to measure electorally, it outlines that is good and PDP union, but where the lack of debate and ideas leads to lose direction in which policy moves and you can see clearly reflected in the last parliament, which shows a total absence of PPD logo seeing as widespread at the country level in almost all candidates running from some form of identity that now all defend. But we are confident the new winds that can reach Tohá Carolina to build new networks, strengthening the PPD communally in each area of \u200b\u200bthe country, listening to citizens who want to represent and achieve a progressive path to citizenship policy is actually a reality ... so I see no Ricardo Lagos W.
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