Well, after this festival of ideas and flashes advertisements broadcast Macar only presence in the struggle of the vote to vote, comes the real test is say, these ideas can be launched reflected not only in good intentions, but actually be felt in the conduct of our party.
side issue, the vote in numbers was obtained, without doubt, the work is hard to achieve meaningful participation within the PDP, and that of those 10,000 voters We dare say that more than half are via "carry" or not were extremely active and embarrassingly every 2 years are going to look for operators requesting your vote for parties that exist in each of the regions.
Without doubt, one of the virtues of the votes of Ricardo Lagos was that that vote was made in good conscience voted for whom, unlike Guido Girardi, who won but ends up showing that their networks but effective (elections are won with votes) are hardly measurable to a certain degree of affection for the ideas that both profess causing some kind of sympathy.
Undoubtedly, the future of the new liberalism which he referred to our Senator Girardi is in a sea of \u200b\u200bquestions as to who ultimately will be dedicated and if education civic party is plausible to strengthen the return of the agreement to power and / or for improving the image of our party in all citizens.
Carolina Good luck in this new management for our PPD.
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