Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Find Historic Bond Prices

Video of the Day: Ben Harper, "Shimmer and Shine"

For here we are in luck:

May 7, White Lies for Dark Times, Ben Harper & Relentless 7;
May 19, Further Complications , Jarvis Cocker (oh yeah !!!);
May 25, Soul Graffiti, by Simple Minds (you can call guilty pleasure, but I'm waiting like water from the same month of May;
June 30, I give to Fostier to enter the Camp Nou to see U2, whose new show promises ... promises to be a show, go to: cacho scenario midfield;
July 18, I guess I will not have much trouble seeing Jim Kerr & Co. in Edinburgh Castle. The tickets I have. More difficult will be getting close unpresentable flight with Ryanair.

And in between, to see if anyone is encouraged to go to Primavera Sound. Comments in Comments .

But what we were: the new work of Ben Harper (One of the best live performances I've seen in my life), under single presentation illustrating the video below, will be full of energy, 180 ° angle of its previous Lifeline. And certainly better than the last work of Boss. Sorry, Bruce, you feel: the next time you a little more pains.

back to the good of Harper, in his most introspective, as in what appears to be coming, there will always be an element in common: passion, anger and a lot of heart. If I were a music critic with years of experience (and not having so little time) I would try to prove. As it is not simply Shuted in the room, lights out, listen to "Morning Yearning" and this video that I leave.

Love or anger, both cascoporro passion.

And the new band he promises. If you can go see them, do not hesitate.

Ben Harper & Relentless7 - Shimmer and Shine


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