As PPD and because persitencia all kinds of institutions that indiscriminate use in sending bulk mail (SPAM) to promote products, services or offers of the moment with the resulting discomfort in daily use email, is that we call on all MPs to resume once and for all around the legislature to prohibit the use of SPAM in Chile as other countries have adopted.
Qu é "is spam?
are unsolicited messages in bulk, usually commercial or advertising. They come in different ways: email, mail, phones, fax, etc., The most common of those sent over the Internet.
What does the d eficitaria law in Chile in this regard?
In Chile Consumer Law punishes such trade practice because it believes that it infringes the right to free choice of consumers, in particular their right to privacy. Therefore, users have the right to demand that they remove from the lists of recipients.
How the law punishes spam?
The law requires that a communication is sent, promotional or advertising via email, to indicate:
(1) the matter in question in the headline (or subject matter).
(2) identify who sent the mail (your name, activity, contact or other relevant data)
(3) indicate a valid address to which you can request the suspension of shipments.
The anonymous emails or information violate the law
If once requested the suspension of the messages, sending persists, the sender can be punished by a fine of up to 50 UTM.
Source: Library of Congress
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