Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ingersoll Rand Service Manual# P185wjd

Si.cumplió ... under public pressure ... but met!

So friends, the break in the "establishment Creole" with the denial of the implementation of the mega-fired power plants 25 km. Punta de Choros has not left anyone happy, except for any citizenship he saw for years to pass after pass to the business at the expense of citizens' demands for a better quality of life.

All former politicians who are still in power, say ... thanks for this blow to the chair.

While we do not like the "new way of governing," they are giving lessons on how to make things right.

Do not forget that ALL of the mega coal plants that are in the eye of all those who defend the environment have been entered against a large lobby of our previous government .... sold our quality of life in exchange for what?.

... remember vast vested interests behind the lobby of Perez Yoma to approve Campiche which had been closed by court order, it was a shame!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bideosde Mugeresputas

Punta de Choros - What is the cost of progress? PPD

pressures were known ... incosistente what ... remain the false promises of PIÑERA again lies!

We feel our denial and shame at the COREMA approval of the Region of Coquimbo.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Hide Sink Pipe

Campaign SPAM - Until then! Carolina Speech

As PPD and because persitencia all kinds of institutions that indiscriminate use in sending bulk mail (SPAM) to promote products, services or offers of the moment with the resulting discomfort in daily use email, is that we call on all MPs to resume once and for all around the legislature to prohibit the use of SPAM in Chile as other countries have adopted.

Qu é "is spam?
are unsolicited messages in bulk, usually commercial or advertising. They come in different ways: email, mail, phones, fax, etc., The most common of those sent over the Internet.

What does the d eficitaria law in Chile in this regard?
In Chile Consumer Law punishes such trade practice because it believes that it infringes the right to free choice of consumers, in particular their right to privacy. Therefore, users have the right to demand that they remove from the lists of recipients.

How the law punishes spam?
The law requires that a communication is sent, promotional or advertising via email, to indicate:
(1) the matter in question in the headline (or subject matter).
(2) identify who sent the mail (your name, activity, contact or other relevant data)
(3) indicate a valid address to which you can request the suspension of shipments.
The anonymous emails or information violate the law
If once requested the suspension of the messages, sending persists, the sender can be punished by a fine of up to 50 UTM.

Source: Library of Congress

Send complaints to all parliamentarians (e-e condensate)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Husband Breast Feeding

Tohá in change of command ceremony


Dear Friends y friends, co compañeras y Mpani I ,

from this speech I would like to express our desire, our hope, to recover alive, safe and sound to each of the 33 Chileans who have caught more than 10 days in the San José mine.

What we are suffering and those who want them, the people of Atacama and all the great family of mining is a pain for all Chileans, and especially should make us think we are in this room.

Now is the time to put all our energy and our effort as a country in the rescue effort. But then will come the time to clarify the responsibilities and investigate thoroughly and without gallstones of any reasons for this accident and the lessons that leaves us.

... continue reading speech
download speech (PDF, O p

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ap Questions On Cellular Respiration

Are we going to defend the Rights People in cities?

not stay indifferent in front of the terrible situation that exists today in the North, there are definite responsibilities shared by the previous administration as well as the current one, even though "the best of the best" would restructure and modernize the state apparatus, we have seen have only acted in reaction to situations that are looming in the country.

But the statements of our party responsibilities to search for what happened in the San José mine, where everyone's doing, left room for doubt concerning the unconditional defense we have against all situations that cause the public outrage and that the current government does not take part. The scandal sparked long ago - no doubt embarrassing - for the support of a PDP sector around the figure of Daniel Farcas after the scandal Valech Scholarships in Uniacc makes it clear that they will not speak out about seimpre accompanied by gestures values \u200b\u200bfor which we should be committed, no doubt Marcos Nunez and Ramon Farias in the instance did friendship take precedence over the shield provided around which it pledged to defend the citizens in each of their campaigns.

Thankfully, it has been shown time support for situations such as happens to Transantiago disaster workers, hoping this would not only be lights in time where the hands of Carolina this empenzando Tohá already feeling against what should be the party.

commenting ended very sadly, after apparently in contact yesterday with respect to the tax fraud took place in Valparaiso, say ... change lives ... enjoyment of those power at the expense of the needy in this country and we hope that the opposition know that we take advantage of the mistakes you will be committed to defend the government on time and without conflict of interests the rights of all citizens where this time we also learn to educate civic duties that accompany us.