Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good Songs To Dance To 2010 For A Talent Show

Do you buy weapons in time of reconstruction?

No doubt the debate raised by the issue of Royalty and mismanaged resources by previous governments, have been strongly advocated as a result of obtaining adequate financial reconstruction in the earthquake of 27-F.

But this year might well ask whether it is appropriate to spend $ 105 million for purchase of military weapons?.

So, the Government of Chile plans to buy 3 sets of Command and Control Head Air Defense (FAAD) of U.S. origin, the purchase of these 3 systems would be located in the north, south-central and southern of the country, say in the border area with neighboring countries. The agency of the U.S. defense cooperation and forwarded to Congress the adoption of this procedure so that the transaction is approved before 13 August.

So it seems that rebuilding the country is not so important, seeing that to date there have been measures only patches and not in the medium and long term by the current government, which seems to be that for them becomes more important to protect our neighbors when the couple speaks of good intentions as a solution to petitrio matrítimo as in the case of Bolivia.

No doubt this is embarrassing!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Super Mario World Online With Yoshi

social work consultation, "Triumph or Failure?

is said to be a success social and global levels, it is indeed in every project and initiative launched by the government of Michelle Bachelet in pursuit of creating a Social Protection System in Chile, but something went wrong ... implementation.

is undoubtedly the major thorn in the Government of Pinera, who to uncover every mistake in the implementation of social projects stigmatization is telling you that is attacking the former president, to sort our communication errors have played in our favor.

I think without doubt that the argument given by Senators and Representatives of the Coalition is certainly pathetic, or Are not they who were the main applicants for key positions in Mideplan, Fosis, Housing, and other social services? ... Why not audited each irregularity was committed?, It seems that politics and business is a point difficult to separate.

The failure was because the Government did not have adequate management mechanisms to efficiently evaluate each dollar spent. Actually there was waste and poor execution, if we said it every time we went to Chile 21 social indicators were wrong! But not a failure of the former President as one wants to see ... is a failure of the Coalition that always saw the glass half full.

It is certainly unfortunate to lose the government and as we all feel it deeply, but in order to account policy that fat is being removed, unfortunately seeing a right-wing government is doing in some ways a good job. What happened to us? Just make a look to the Council of Culture, it is normal what happened in serious administrative shortcomings and where the PS has made so and so muddy secretary finally more and more important as managing cultural institutions, of course no, unfortunately they are now paying for the sins (or Chiledeportes exemplify the role of senior officials of the PDP in Civil registration appointments given to a separate issue).

Now is time to look at the mistakes and learning from failure, if it were not we would still be government, then we must return to reformulate the political work through the power of a government and do just what has been promised improve living conditions in a more just and equal, with work, honesty and true sense of public service.

Health @ sa all colleagues

politics ... We laugh a little it! ... Just like who? Look for the familiar.

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attention here and now Square Company Weekend party at Noche Blanca del Flamenco 2010

New Apartment Needs Lists

AAA Ahora_Plaza attention here and the Esad during Noche Blanca del Flamenco 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Colour Dot Is On A Fast Squash Ball

If there is anyone here who follow this blog, to note the new address:

The eternal apprentice (now in Wordpress)

"The reasons for the change? Wordpress seems more cool, more versatile, more "searchable" ... And I felt like, what the hell.

We read there.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tom Delonge Tattoo Bunny

The Government of Chile has the obligation to submit to the ILO a detailed report of application of Convention 169, after a year ratified the Convention.

Deadline expires on September 1, 2010.

a few weeks after the deadline for submission of the report, the Government of S. Piñera omits any mention of the Convention 169. What is the content of the official report submitted on the application of Convention 169?

Does the Government of its obligation to make a memory? Are you aware that this report should be made known and consulted in advance?

On the other hand, how could indigenous organizations require access to official information and prior consultation before they are sent?

What role can parliamentarians, senators and deputies of Human Rights Commissions? (We represent as PPD, Tucapel Jimenez and Ximena Vidal)

What responsibilities incumbent on the Council of CONADI?

What role can the United Workers Central, CUT, and indigenous-led unions?

And, how useful the test may have a "memory" for communities to defend themselves against mega-projects, or those who claim their land or those who claim their liberty?

In sum what good is a Report of Convention 169, and how to make an impact effective?

As P D P we must realize in this matter and inform the people well for trasnmitir originating these issues. We believe that the fight is not through violence but through respect of fulfilling the duties as the State of Chile that we owe to all the indigenous peoples of Chile.

More information regarding the treaty: implementation & Itemid = 440

Hello everyone.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

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Understanding the work and ideas for our Comrades s @ s

B ell, a cooked meal ... friendship discarded, it seems that that was the keynote given later to the electoral process and meal after meal ended with the agreement of each candidate in the country. While "mandarins" not succeed in unifying the party for growth in all of this, we decided to take the initiative to gather as much information about the various community and activists that represent their ideas, thoughts and feelings in network.

We always emphasize the links they are current, however, it is believed that the maintenance of old entries, once reflected a situation in a given time is desirable because debates and sometimes collect links to other topics of interest that may revive in the new building as a party want.

Undoubtedly, in times of opposition, we must share as much as possible as our leaders represent us to citizenship and thus take the best ideas from each area to complement the action of the whole party in each national territory.

We ask all colleagues who once were motivated to write, to do so and update their pages for each of their views in the new PPD.

Greetings to all of you

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16 Icons from Córdoba 2016 16 Icons for 2016 Cordoba on Vimeo.