Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gay Cruisen In Hammamet

Results Below. Diario El Argentino

Veronica beat Atletico in fourth and a tie between Deportivo
Union in fifth

Goals from Lucas Perez and Padoani, Atlético yesterday exceeded by 2 to 1 at Club Veronica (Lizarralde goal to record the transient tie) in the first leg of the quarterfinals of the tournament opening quarter linguistics, a body through which the other team in the race chascomunense in this category - Federal-kick fell by 4 to 2 visitor to Progreso.

fifth division in both the teams duel our city between Deportivo and Union, ended 1 to 1. Paul Telesca ahead of the Reds, who played much of the match with ten players for the expulsion of Pedatella-and tied for albicelestes Franco Diani.

Meanwhile, in sixth, UD, with several absences due to flu, as in fifth, lost away to Club Belgrano by the first semi-final 2 to 0.

As the second day of women's football to be played on General Guido, who beat Deportivo, with goals from Michael Keller (3), Maria V. Beretta (2) and Gimenez Ramos-6 to 1 to Pila established himself as one of the two pointers with you thrashed Dolores Independent 5 to 2 to Juverlandia Castelli. For its part UD tied 1 to 1 (goal by Jamie De la Canal) to H. School Guido Barragán.

The day here started with considerable delay by a delay in the pair arrive arbitration, which made the first game starts 13.10. This event benefited the UD campus that had a breakdown at the height of the combined Castelli carrying him, so had to wait for replacement to arrive at Guido. The unionists arrived five minutes before the official time stipulated, but there were met with surprise that the day was delayed.

Guido According to those who were in there was a good deal hosts and sports center facilities are very nice and neat.

The overall results of the day were these.


(Quarter-final, first leg)

-Game 1. Chascomús 2 vs Atletico. Veronica 1.

-Game 2. 1 vs Sport Club. C. Belgrano 1.

-Game 3. 4 vs. progress. Tiro Federal 2.

-Game 4. 1 vs ranches. Bavio Racing 2.


(Quarter-final, first leg)

-Game 1. 1 vs Deportivo. UD 1.

-Game 2. V. Garibaldi 1 vs. Injun 3.

-Game 3. 1 vs WT. Racing 0.

-Game 4. Lezama FC 0 vs. Him Salt 0.


(Semifinals, first leg).

-Club 2 vs Belgrano. UD 0. Ranchos

-3 vs. SV 3 joint.


(Torneo Apertura, 2nd date)

G. Polideportivo Municipal Court Guido
1 vs
-Pila. Sports Chascomús 6; Independent 5 vs Dolores. Castelli Juverlandia 2 and 1 vs UD. Kids Soccer Esc G. Barragan Guido 1.

Acknowledgement: Carlos Mellado


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