Monday, September 10, 2007

How To Make A Deck Of Cards Cake

Music now

In my constant desire to share music, I found it interesting that you can only enjoy it through the links, and that you can use for websites or blogs, but also unto you that ye descargar.Así the link below the artist and track through which you can listen to the track and get the code to use, add another link to the same subject with a "D " where you can get it and enjoy it. I'll
gradually raising the issues to megaupload, and adding links to the extent that my schedule will allow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Grzegorz Mazur Gliwice

chosen to hear the song you just have to click on the name and accederéis goear the page that hosts the file.

If you want to use a link to that song, once you have accessed the page goear to the right, in a box where it says Share it is the address to link the item you have chosen.

If you want to use a theme to put music on a personal page or blog, you have the code that must be inserted in the place where you want to display the player in the box below This song in your site.Solo have to modify where you see putting in the code localautoplayer by localplayer, because apparently the time the automatic does not work. Osea you must remove the car and so the player will work correctly in your blog. Yes the person who wants to listen to the music player will have to operate giving the play.En the time when the auto is recovered I will inform you.

A small aesthetic detail. If you want to modify the actions of the player to adapt to where you want to locate it, you only have to look at the code words widht and height, and vary their values \u200b\u200baccording to the measures to want to obtain. Are long and wide respectively.

Any doubts arising have no more than contact me and I will try to solve it based on my knowledge.